
v1.4 More integrations and better UX

  • We listened to you! Based on feedback from all our users, we've revved up the interface to make it more user-friendly. We've bundled up the language and salutation into one selection, and Sidekick now remembers your last writing style, and we've moved all superpowers to an action bar at the bottom. Given the current site content, most of these don't even require your input anymore.
  • Page Content: AI Sidekick can use the content of your current page to provide better text-suggestions and can even answer questions about the text in a very precise way.
  • Keyword Research: Use Google search results data to improve your content brief. Check out the demo.
  • Mind-blowing Blog post Ideas: Expand your creativity by getting out-of-the-box blog post ideas that truly impress.
  • FAQ Generator: Automatically generate questions your target audience likely has, and provide answers based on the content of the current page. This can boost your SEO.
  • More detailed Briefings: Your AI Sidekick briefing can now contain double the amount of text.
  • Target Audience: Pinpoint your audience and receive improved text generation.
  • Multisite: Use AI Sidekick across multiple projects with different API keys.
  • Scroll Improvements: During text generation, you're free to scroll and copy text.
  • Languages: We've added support for British English and American English.


  • Change the form of address in German between DU and SIE
  • Personalize AI Sidekick with information about your website and your target audience
  • Complete conversion to a model-based architecture to allow for later automations
  • Rights management, which editors are allowed to use AI Sidekick (for Drupal and Neos CMS)
  • API key can be set for all editors via CMS (Drupal, Neos, Wordpress)

Other features in our development plan

  • Integration of a search, so that AI Sidekick can search the internet on its own
  • SEO expert - let AI analyze your site and get optimization suggestions
  • API for developers to generate text in code with AI Sidekick
  • Image alternative generator and automatic tagging
  • Marketing advisor based on AIDA framework, Golden Circle, ...
  • Magic content creation - AI Sidekick turns your text into ready-made content elements

More ideas

  • AI Sidekick Companion App - Use a mobile version to jot down tasks in Neos on the go, do research, and control your website from the app
  • Slash commands to switch and use superpowers via keyboard input

Implemented features

24. April Release

  • Experience streaming output and generation of longer responses: Responses are continuously output and can generate texts with more than 100 words even over several minutes
  • Consistent form design, even in Safari
  • If an error occurs during an OpenAI response, the existing message is now preserved.
  • Better error handling around OpenAI, we retry aborted GPT-4 requests automatically (e.g. because overloaded). If it still doesn't work, there is now a meaningful error message.
  • Optimized handling of special characters, like Shy, and support for HTML code.
  • When clicking the up button, the last message appears in the input field, just like in Slack.
  • Messages can be copied to the clipboard.
  • Generations can be canceled at any time. For this purpose, we have optimized the entire stream handling.
  • Missing translations added.
  • Line breaks are consistently processed and displayed.
  • While a response stream is being processed, a message can now be entered (but not sent) directly.